Therapy for Eating Disorders
We believe that full recovery is possible and would love to be your guide. Worries about food, eating, weight, and your body can wreak havoc on your mind. Taking actions as a result of those worries such as restricting food intake, binge eating, purging, and dysfunctional exercise can harm your body and your life in ways you never imagined. If you’re feeling lost or hopeless about how to heal from an eating disorder or disordered eating, please know there is help within reach.
We live in a society that actively celebrates certain body types and harmful dieting practices, which can make it very difficult to spot an eating disorder. If you find that worries and actions about food and your body are taking up more of your time, planning, and energy, you may be struggling with an eating disorder. Our treatment approaches are rooted in anti-diet, Health At Every Size (HAES), Intuitive Eating, and mindful movement philosophies.
We believe that healing your relationship with food and your body is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. Through our expert and compassionate approaches we will help you better understand the underlying issues that fuel your eating disorder, learn healthier ways to cope, increase self-compassion, and guide you through each stage of recovery.
We are dedicated to helping people break free from eating disorders and would love the opportunity to work with you.

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
- Carl Jung